Mount and blade warband price decrease
Mount and blade warband price decrease

mount and blade warband price decrease

With a horse you should be able to take on 10-15 and as a horse archer (my current character) I went out and slaughtered a group of 23 immediately.

mount and blade warband price decrease

Even as a new character on foot that should be possible with a small group of looters (3-4) straight away. I prefer to strike out on my own, find a small group of looters, defeat them and then sell the loot and prisoners. Personally however I find its not worth it because you'll spend a long time sat in a castle/city or wandering around the map. You get a salary and a little experience and if there's a battle then you get extra experience and maybe some loot. The first thing some people will do is sign up as a freelancer in a lord's army. There are quite a lot of threads out there about making money so you could google those for tips but I'll give my 2 cents below.

mount and blade warband price decrease

How you want to make money will ultimately depend on you character. Yes tournaments are a good way to make money (and win renown and nice equipment) but for a brand new character tournaments are going to be pretty challenging. That's tough if you've spent your time up till then raiding villages. Whatever story line you imagine for your character, if you want to become an independent king at some point then you're going to need lots of honour and high relations with a lot of lords. The penalties to your honour, relationship with the village and relationship to the lord who owns the village mean its just not worth it.

Mount and blade warband price decrease